News 4 Nov 2016

Injured Stapleton to miss Melbourne supercross

SX2 front-runner also in doubt for AUS-X Open weekend.

Image: Jeremy Hammer (Foremost Media).

Image: Jeremy Hammer (Foremost Media).

The remainder of Geran Stapleton’s season in now in jeopardy after suffering a fractured scapula at Adelaide’s third round of the 2016 Australian Supercross Championship.

Making his way through the pack during the SX2 main event, the privateer rider came together with Honda Genuine Racing’s Luke Clout in the treacherous whoops section.

“I got an average start in the main event and I was coming through fairly quickly,” Stapleton told “I made my way into fifth and I had [Luke] Clout and [Wade] Hunter in front of me. I could see they were a little slower in the whoops, so I sent it down the right side and Clouty got a little out of shape and I tried to slow down but I got bucked a bit and I clipped him.

“I got a bit of whisky when I clipped him and I went down, I shouldn’t have sent it into the whoops so hard knowing that those guys were in the whoops as well. I could see Gavin [Faith] ahead and I thought I could catch him, so I saw the opportunity and I went for it.

“I got up and tried to ride, but I jumped the triple and my arm just gave way. So after that I figured I should pull it in and something wasn’t right.”

Following MRI scans this week, doctors confirmed the Victorian’s injury will not require surgery and that his previously reconstructed shoulder was not damaged in the fall.

“My left shoulder was bruised from being pulled by the handlebars, but in my right shoulder I’ve actually got a fracture in my scapula,” he explained. “For how bad it could have been, it’s actually pretty simple and it’s nothing to do with my actual shoulder joint, which I’m glad about, because it’s the one I’ve had a reconstruction on.”

A positive yet realistic Stapleton will do all he can do to contest the AUS-X Open event on 12-13 November along with the inaugural Rhythm X event in Tasmania the following weekend.

“You obviously can’t heal bones in a week, but it’s pretty shattering to miss Sydney, that’s one event you look forward to all year,” he added. “I’ll do all that I can, but I’ll probably be out, I’m just trying to be positive and I’ll see how I’m feeling next week. I’ll still keep an open mind for the Rhythm X event too, but it’s looking like I might be out for that too.”

Stapleton finished as high as third position during the 2016 Australian Supercross Championship during the SX2 main event at round two in Toowoomba.
