Go behind the helmet of your favourite racers in the newest feature on MotoOnline.com.au.

Dan McCoy in action at the Canberra round of the MX Nationals. He's our first guy to be hit with the hard questions in UNPLUGGED!
Have you ever wondered what makes your favourite racer tick? What do they get up to away from the track? Or what parts of the sport they like the most in between motos?
Now you will know, because in MotoOnline.com.au’s brand new UNPLUGGED! feature section, we’ll hit up the best of the best in a bid to give readers the ultimate rundown on pro racers.
First cab off the rank is Hart and Huntington-backed Coastal KTM motocross contender Dan McCoy. He’s got ink, loves wearing black riding gear (especially boots!), and isn’t afraid to say what’s on his mind.
Favourite track and worst track?
My favourite is Braidwood in Goulburn. The worst track is Appin, but it could be one of the best if they maintained it better.
Greatest moment of your career?
Avalon Supercross in 2007 where I won the Pro Lites final, but I’m still working on my greatest ever [laughs].
Most competitive rival?
Every guy on the Pro Open start gates.
Can a 350 win Open titles against 450s?
No doubt. With the right rider for sure.
Race day food and drinks?
Pasta and water – can’t go wrong.
Don’t have any!
Best all-time moto DVD/video?
Winners Take All.
Do you read your pit board?
Yeah, it usually says something like “push”. What do they think we are doing already [laughs]!?
What’s your everyday ride?
Mercedes Sprinter and a custom unpainted Chopper.
Top magazine on the newsagent shelves?
Dirt Action.
Junk food secrets?
I get into peanut butter and chocolate ice cream with hot fudge a bit [laughs]!
Motocross or Supercross?
Traditional motos or mixed formats?
Traditional – two 30-minute motos is definitely best.
Ryan Villopoto or Ryan Dungey?
Villopoto on the bike, Dungey off the bike…
Monster, Red Bull or Rockstar?
Red Bull.
iPod or CD? What tunes you rockin’?
iPod. I like Hooligan by Big B right now.
PC or Apple Mac?
I’ll take anything right now because I don’t have either!
Nitro Circus or Crusty Demons?
Nitro Circus.
Blonde or brunette? Explain your dream lady!
Brunette hair, five foot nothin’, with nice knockers [laughs]!!!
Final say…
Real happy with the question selection, nice work!

DMC putting in the hard yards during a practice moto.